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Use Ansible to create Azure vm with UNmanaged disk?

I'm just getting started with Ansible. I've made simple vms before using azure cli and that worked.

There's an option/flag, --use-unmanaged-disk. I've been googling like mad, but I can't see a similar option for use in an Ansible Playbook. This is the guide I've been trying: [ https://docs.microsoft.com/sl-si/azure/virtual-machines/linux/ansible-create-complete-vm]

If I'm missing any info, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

- name: Create a VM with OS and multiple data storage accounts
    resource_group: Testing
    name: testvm001
    vm_size: Standard_DS1_v2
    admin_username: adminUser
    ssh_password_enabled: false
    - path: /home/adminUser/.ssh/authorized_keys
      key_data: < insert yor ssh public key here... >
    network_interfaces: testvm001
    storage_container: osdisk
    storage_blob: osdisk.vhd
    offer: CoreOS
    publisher: CoreOS
    sku: Stable
    version: latest
    - lun: 0
      disk_size_gb: 64
      storage_container_name: datadisk1
      storage_blob_name: datadisk1.vhd
    - lun: 1
      disk_size_gb: 128
      storage_container_name: datadisk2
      storage_blob_name: datadisk2.vhd

reference: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/azure_rm_virtualmachine_module.html#azure-rm-virtualmachine

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