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How navigate from loginscreen after clicking on logout button in react native?

i'm trying to implement a logout functionality in react native.The users will land to homescreen after logged in , which contains a side bar . Logout button is within the side bar.I'm using stack navigator from react-navigation for navigating from one screen to another.I've tried like the below ,but there is a mistake it will direct to a blank screen when clicked on logout button.

    alert('You have been logged out.');

Currently i'm writing this code within homescreen . Where do i write the code for logout ?Does it be within Sidebar ?Also how to navigate Please help.


  const MainNavigator = TabNavigator({
         login: {screen: LoginScreen},
         register: { screen : RegisterForm },

  tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
  animationEnabled: true,
  tabBarOptions: {
    labelStyle: {
      fontSize: 15,
      fontFamily: 'HelveticaNeueBd',
      color: '#4B4C4B',
      backgroundColor: '#ffffff'
    indicatorStyle : {
      backgroundColor: '#aa4a00'
    style : {
      borderBottomColor: '#ebcccc',
     // borderBottomWidth: 10,
    tabStyle: {
    activeBackgroundColor : "#aa4a00",
    inactiveBackgroundColor: '#dddddd',
    upperCaseLabel: false
const StackScreens = StackNavigator({
    Main: {
        screen: MainNavigator,
    CourseListing:{screen: CourseListing},
    Home: {screen: HomeScreen},
    EconomicNews: {screen: EconomicNews},
    EconomicDetails: {screen: EconomicDetails},
    CategoryDetail: {screen: CategoryDetail},
    DetailedView: {screen: DetailedView},
    IndividualSection: {screen: IndividualSection},
    Mcq:{screen: Mcq},
    QASection: {screen: QASection}

export const MyDrawer = DrawerNavigator({
   Home: {
     screen: StackScreens,
  Profile: {
      screen: Profile
  FAQ: {
      screen: Faq
  LogOut: {
      screen: LogOut

this.props.navigation.navigate('LoginScreen'); should change to this.props.navigation.navigate('MainNavigator'); or this.props.navigation.navigate('login');

Because you call your LoginScreen login

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