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Multiple laravel 5.5 routes methods showing error

I have three routes in web.php

Route::get('/secondary', 'SecondaryController@show');
Route::get('/primary', 'PrimaryController@show');
Route::get('/nursery', 'NurseryController@show');

But when i click on the respective menu link, it presents the first route, others just wont work. pls what am i doing wrongly, i need help. this is code for the controllers for the nursery controller

public function show($slugs){
     $NurseryPages = NurseryPages::findByURL($slugs);
     return view('nursery.show', ['NurseryPages' =>$NurseryPages]);

for the primary controller

 public function show($slugs){
     $PrimaryPages = PrimaryPages::findByURL($slugs);
     return view('primary.show', ['PrimaryPages' =>$PrimaryPages]);

for the secondary controller

public function show($slugs)
     $SecondaryPages = SecondaryPages::findByURL($slugs);
     return view('secondary.show', ['SecondaryPages' =>$SecondaryPages]);

it will only work well for the nursery section, but on others it displays error: trying to get object of non-property and refers me back to the nursery.show file this is the error msg

 ErrorException (E_ERROR)

Trying to get property of non-object (View: C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\acadapp\\resources\\views\\secondary\\show.blade.php)

    <?php echo $__env->make('inc.secondary.navbar', array_except(get_defined_vars(), array('__data', '__path')))->render(); ?>

<div class="container">
<div class="row"> 
    <div class="col-md-12">
        <b><h3><?php echo $SecondaryPage->title; ?></b></h3>
             <?php echo $SecondaryPage->body; ?>

<?php echo $__env->make('inc.secondary.footer', array_except(get_defined_vars(), array('__data', '__path')))->render(); ?>

I think you need to change your route like:

Route::get('/secondary/{slug}', 'SecondaryController@show');
Route::get('/primary/{slug}', 'PrimaryController@show');
Route::get('/nursery/{slug}', 'NurseryController@show');

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