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Placing a watermark on transparent gif

I'm trying to make a image uploader and everything is working pretty good with the exception of placing a watermark on top of a transparent gif. The gif it self stays transparent but, the part of the watermark that gets placed on the gif's transparent background gets a red background for some reason and I'm struggling to find out why. Any suggestions?


else if ($this->fileType === "image/gif") {

    $newFilename = $this->placeholder();
    $img = imageCreateFromGif($this->fileTmpName);
    imageAlphaBlending($img, true);
    imageSaveAlpha($img, true);

    if($this->watermarkEnabled === true) {



    $newFilename = imageGif($img, $newFilename.".".$this->fileExtension); 


function watermark($img) {

    // creating png image of watermark
    $watermark = imagecreatefrompng($this->watermarkImage); 

    // getting dimensions of watermark image
    $watermarkWidth = imagesx($watermark);  
    $watermarkHeight = imagesy($watermark);

    // placing the watermark 10px from bottom and right
    $destX = $this->imageSize[0] - $watermarkWidth - 10;  
    $destY = $this->imageSize[1] - $watermarkHeight - 10;

    // creating a cut resource
    $cut = imagecreatetruecolor($watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);

    // copying that section of the background to the cut
    imagecopy($cut, $img, 0, 0, $destX, $destY, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);

    // placing the watermark now
    imagecopy($cut, $watermark, 0, 0, 0, 0, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);

    // merging both of the images
    imagecopymerge($img, $cut, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight, 100);




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