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Universal filtering in Power BI

My model has 2 columns: Source System and Target System and I am using the NetworkNavigator custom visual. My goal is to search for a specific system and display all relationships to that system, regardless if it is a source or target in the relationship.

Assume the following 2 records: Source=A Target=B, Source=B Target=C. I would like to search for "B" and see both records (I am using the NetworkNavigator custom visual).

Is there a way to have one filter that searches in both of my columns at once? (I am transitioning from Qlik to PBI. In Qlik this works out of the box)

One way to do this is to make your network table symmetric by taking the union of the table with itself having the source and target switched.

Try creating a New Table (under Modeling tab) using a formula along these lines:

AllNodes = DISTINCT(UNION(SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(Network[Source], Network[Target]),
                          SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(Network[Target], Network[Source])))

Then build your Network Navigator visual based on that table instead of the original and add a slicer on either column of this table to do your filtering.

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