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Deploy API REST IBM Hyperledger Composer Blockchain (bad flag in substitute command: 'U' ERROR)

I'm getting this error trying to deploy a card to a working blockchain on cloud, any idea? Thanks in advance. I'm using a mac, following the guide (Kubernetes installed/configured well, I think):


./create/create_composer-rest-server.sh --paid --business-network-card /Users/sm/jsblock/tutorial-network/PeerAdmin@fabric-network.card
Configured to setup a paid storage on ibm-cs
Preparing yaml file for create composer-rest-server
sed: 1: "s/%COMPOSER_CARD%//User ...": bad flag in substitute command: 'U'
Creating composer-rest-server pod
Running: kubectl create -f /Users/sm/jsblock/ibm-container-service/cs-offerings/scripts/../kube-configs/composer-rest-server.yaml
error: no objects passed to create
Composer rest server created successfully

There is an error in that document. And you are also specifying the Peer Admin card when you need to use a Network Admin Card.

There are 2 sets of 'parallel' documents for paid and free clusters. The command you are using has --paid in it in error. If you remove --paid and use the Network Admin Card I think it will solve the problem.

Your command will look something like this: ./create/create_composer-rest-server.sh --business-network-card admin@YOUR-network

I tried again with the install proccess (deployed blockchain instance seemed to work weall): https://ibm-blockchain.github.io/simple/

But I noticed that the script:


...never ended (mostly an internal kubernetes problems I guess). And I reset the installation:


I tried again, now everything Ok. I could get my awesome API REST talking with my Hyperledger Blockchain, deployed on IBM Cloud. Ready to develop something amazing.

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