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Jquery - Select a span's content inside of a specific div

I am trying to select the content inside of a div but the CMS I am using adds this span inside of my div and so now I am not sure how to select the content inside of it. That span is used a couple times throughout the page. So I need to specifically select the one inside of this div.

This is the HTML.

<div id="emailAddress"><span merge-tag="{{user.email}}">CONTENT HERE IS WHAT THE VARIABLE SHOULD BE SET TO</span></div>

And I want to set it as the variable "emailAddress". So here is the full JQuery. Basically I am just showing/hiding content based on what my CMS puts in the div and span above.

var emailAddress = ????????????;

 $(document).ready(function() {

    if (emailAddress == 'email1@email.com') {

    else if (emailAddress == 'email2@email.com') {

    else if (emailAddress == 'email3@email.com') {

    else {

Do this:

 var emailAddress = null; $(document).ready(function() { emailAddress = $('#emailAddress span').text(); console.log(emailAddress); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="emailAddress"><span merge-tag="{{user.email}}">CONTENT HERE IS WHAT THE VARIABLE SHOULD BE SET TO</span></div> 

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