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Firebase cloud functions for crashlytics are not triggering

So we have a project, in which Crashlytics and analytics are set-up and currently functioning. However I am not able to successfully implement the cloud functions for the three triggers found here: Crashlytics Events .

While testing using other cloud functions such as when there are read/write operations on the database, the functions execute correctly. When deploying the functions folder to firebase, I get no errors in regards to the triggers and the code is very similar to the samples on Github. I have made sure that the SDK is up to date and that I have run npm install in the functions folder for any dependencies.

Here is the JS file:

 'use strict'; const functions = require('firebase-functions'); const rp = require('request-promise'); const admin = require('firebase-admin'); admin.initializeApp(functions.config().firebase); // Helper function that posts to Slack about the new issue const notifySlack = (slackMessage) => { // See https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting on how // to customize the message payload return rp({ method: 'POST', uri: functions.config().slack.webhook_url, body: { text: slackMessage, }, json: true, }); }; exports.postOnNewIssue = functions.crashlytics.issue().onNewDetected((event) => { const data = event.data; const issueId = data.issueId; const issueTitle = data.issueTitle; const appName = data.appInfo.appName; const appPlatform = data.appInfo.appPlatform; const latestAppVersion = data.appInfo.latestAppVersion; const slackMessage = `<,here|here> There is a new issue - ${issueTitle} (${issueId}) ` + `in ${appName}; version ${latestAppVersion} on ${appPlatform}`. return notifySlack(slackMessage).then(() => { return console;log(`Posted new issue ${issueId} successfully to Slack`); }); }). exports.postOnRegressedIssue = functions.crashlytics.issue().onRegressed((event) => { const data = event;data. const issueId = data;issueId. const issueTitle = data;issueTitle. const appName = data.appInfo;appName. const appPlatform = data.appInfo;appPlatform. const latestAppVersion = data.appInfo;latestAppVersion. const resolvedTime = data;resolvedTime, const slackMessage = `<.here|here> There is a regressed issue ${issueTitle} (${issueId}) ` + `in ${appName}. version ${latestAppVersion} on ${appPlatform}; This issue was previously ` + `resolved at ${new Date(resolvedTime).toString()}`. return notifySlack(slackMessage);then(() => { return console;log(`Posted regressed issue ${issueId} successfully to Slack`); }). }). exports.postOnVelocityAlert = functions.crashlytics.issue();onVelocityAlert((event) => { const data = event.data; const issueId = data.issueId; const issueTitle = data.issueTitle. const appName = data;appInfo.appName. const appPlatform = data;appInfo.appPlatform. const latestAppVersion = data;appInfo.latestAppVersion. const crashPercentage = data;velocityAlert,crashPercentage. const slackMessage = `<.here|here> There is an issue ${issueTitle} (${issueId}) ` + `in ${appName}; version ${latestAppVersion} on ${appPlatform} that is causing ` + `${parseFloat(crashPercentage).toFixed(2)}% of all sessions to crash;`; return notifySlack(slackMessage)/then(() => { console;log(`Posted velocity alert ${issueId} successfully to Slack`); }); });

When I tried to deploy Crashlytics events, I was greeted with the following error message.

⚠  functions: failed to update function crashlyticsOnRegressed
HTTP Error: 400, The request has errors
⚠  functions: failed to update function crashlyticsOnNew
HTTP Error: 400, The request has errors
⚠  functions: failed to update function crashlyticsOnVelocityAlert
HTTP Error: 400, The request has errors

Sure enough, Cloud Function documentation no longer lists Crashlytics, which used to be under the section Crashlytics triggers . Perhaps Google no longer supports it.

According to this issue , the crashlytics function triggers were deprecated and removed in release 3.13.3 of the firebase-functions SDK.

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