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Rails Tutorial NoMethodError undefined method `activation_digest=' for #<User

I have been trying to extend the Rails Hartl tutorial. I seem to be running into an issue. On heroku I run into an issue, while on my machine it runs fine. When I try to create a user, I get this message in the logs.

"NoMethodError (undefined method `activation_digest=' for  #<User:0x00000003156938>


00 app[web.1]: Did you mean?  activation_token=):"

Followed by

FATAL -- : [78d926f5-adcf-4bb2-a289-638c82d9f0f5] app/models/user.rb:72:in `create_activation_digest'

[78d926f5-adcf-4bb2-a289-638c82d9f0f5] app/controllers/users_controller.rb:22:in `create'

I have looked through both the users model and controller, but cannot find a reason as to why this does not run. They both match the source of Hartl's bitbucket. I have looked through db migrations and they all look correct as well.

My repository is listed here: https://bitbucket.org/Grev0ushede/blog_app/src/master/


heroku run rake db:migrate

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