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Is 'Pheanstalk_Exception' with message 'JOB_TOO_BIG: job data exceeds server-enforced limit' due to a single job or long queue?

I got an exception while adding many emails to the queue on a Laravel 4.2 app.

exception 'Pheanstalk_Exception' with message 'JOB_TOO_BIG: job data exceeds server-enforced limit'

I am confused whether this error is due to a single job or because the queue is too long. As the job is an email, I don't think this is different than any other email jobs which get added to the queue before it throws this exception.

After sending the command line and body, the client waits for a reply, which may be:

  • "JOB_TOO_BIG\\r\\n" The client has requested to put a job with a body larger than max-job-size bytes. protocol.txt

see also: Change max-job size of beanstalkd

it could be related to the queue driver that you are using, if you are using sync driver the jobs are executed directly on the main thread. if it is the case try with database or redis driver.

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