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Laravel Homestead Failed to Connect to MySQL from the host machine

Since I installed Laravel Homestead (via Vagrant) I'm not able to connect to MySql from my host machine (Windows). However, I can connect to the MySql server from the VM itself without any problem (ie from the homestead Virtual Machine).

I'll explain the steps I took while trying to solve this issue and will paste parts of my configuration files with the hope you'll figure it out.

While trying to connect from a remote (ie my host machine) I'm getting the following error message both in MySQL Workbench and on MySQL Client:

Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading authorization packet', system error: 2

I dug the Internet for a week and found nothing that can solve my problem. Here are some things I tried:

On my windows machine:

  • Windows Firewall:
    • Allowed outbound and inbound traffic to and from Workbench on ports 3306 and 33060
    • Allow outbound traffic to 33060

On Vagrant's Homestead machine (Ubuntu):

  • Edited /etc/hosts.allow to:

     mysqld: mysqld: ALL: allow 
  • Verified that /etc/hosts.deny isn't blocking any address

  • Added the following to /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf and /etc/mysql/my.cnf

     [mysqld] skip-name-resolve 

And more things similar and different to the mentioned above.

This is how I tried to connect from the host-machine:

$ mysql -h -P 33060 -u homestead

And these are screenshots from the failed attempts of MySQL Workbench (Click to enlarge):

在此处输入图片说明 在此处输入图片说明

Since it's highly important, here are my Vagrant and Homestead configuration files:


ip: ""
    - homestead

The project's .env file:




As I said before, I'll try all of the above with different variations and shapes and came with the same issue again and again. I also tried to play around with and with the thought that it might help but again, nope. Will appreciate your help and will happily add any information that is needed

I had the same issue but after running the mysql client as same admin as vagrant it work for me. Try running it same user as vagrant first time.

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