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Angular return value from subscribe

I need to return a value from the subscribe of a service call. Here is my code:

export class RideDataSource extends DataSource<any> {

  rides: Ride[];

  constructor(private _rideService: RidesService,
              private _paginator: MatPaginator) {

  connect(): Observable<Ride[]> {

this._rideService.getActiveRides(this._paginator.pageIndex, this._paginator.pageSize).subscribe(
      ridePage => {
        this.rides = ridePage.content;
        this._paginator.length = ridePage.totalElements;

    // i need to return  Observable.of(this.rides);

  disconnect() {
    // No-op


Returning Observable.of(this.rides) won't work as this.rides will be undefined . Is there any way to do this?

Do not subscribe in the service, use the map operator instead and subscribe to connect() .


export class RideDataSource  {

  connect(): Observable<Ride[]> {
    return this._rideService.getActiveRides(
      map(ridePage => {
        this.rides = ridePage.content;
        this._paginator.length = ridePage.totalElements;
        return this.rides;

Some Component:

export class SomeComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(private rideDataSource: RideDataSource) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.rideDataSource.connect().subscribe(rides => console.log(rides));

If you need the data in the component template, then you can do the following:

Some Component Class:

export class SomeComponent {

  rides = this.rideDataSource.connect()

  constructor(private rideDataSource: RideDataSource) { }

Some Component Template:

{{ rides | async }}

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