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Is it Possible to have Multiple lambda functions in single Go binary?

I am experimenting with Go on AWS lambda, and i found that each function requires a binary to be uploaded for execution.

My question is that, is it possible to have a single binary that can have two different Handler functions, which can be loaded by two different lambda functions.

for example

func Handler(request events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error) {
    fmt.Println("Received body in Handler 1: ", request.Body)

    return events.APIGatewayProxyResponse{Body: request.Body, StatusCode: 200}, nil
func Handler1(request events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error) {
    fmt.Println("Received body in Handler 2: ", request.Body)

    return events.APIGatewayProxyResponse{Body: request.Body, StatusCode: 200}, nil

func EndPoint1() {
func EndPoint2() {

and calling the EndPoints in main in such a way that it registers both the EndPoints and the same binary would be uploaded to both the functions MyFunction1 and MyFunction2 .

I understand that having two different binary is good because it reduces the load/size of each function.

But this is just an experimentation.

Thanks in advance :)

I believe it is not possible since Lambda console says the handler is the name of the executable file:

Handler: The executable file name value. For example, "myHandler" would call the main function in the package “main” of the myHandler executable program.

So one single executable file is unable to host two different handlers.

you can do the workaround to have same executable to upload to two different lambda like following

func main() {
switch cfg.LambdaCommand {
case "select_lambda_1":
case "select_lambda_2":

通过向 template.yaml 中的函数添加环境变量,并使 main() 检查变量并调用适当的处理程序,我取得了成功。

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