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Explanation of fields in Get-VM command Hyper-V

I have a Hyper-V machine with virtual machines running on it. Recently I tried some PowerShell scripts on it. The script is

Get-Vm  | sort Name |
    select Name, Uptime, @{N="MemoryMB";E={$_.MemoryAssigned/1MB}},
        ProcessorCount, Status, @{N="MemoryMaxMB";E={$_.MemoryMaximum/1MB}}

I have doubts on few of the fields. When I am comparing it with machines I guess MemoryAssigned is the RAM of the machine where as is there any way by which I can get RAM allocated for turned off machines and also the Hard Disk details of each?

There is no Memory allocated to a Virtual Machine that is not running.

Get-Vm brings back a Selected.Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VirtualMachine object.

If you use Get-Member as suggested by Ansgar Wiechers, you will see a property called HardDrives which has some information about your hard disks. one of which is the path which we can use:

(Get-VM).HardDrives | foreach {Get-Vhd -Path $_.Path}

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