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How can I make my navbar appear at a certain section?


How can I make my navigation not appear on my #home section. However, when the user scrolls down or clicks on the find more button. When the user gets to the 'features-icons' section how can I make my navigation bar appear for all sections including that and below? https://github.com/ldocherty1/Unit28_Assignment1

What I have tried:


<nav class="navbar scrolled-nav fixed-top navbar-expand-sm bg-light">
    <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Front End Web Developer</a>
    <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbar-collapse">☰</button>
    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbar-collapse">
        <ul class="nav navbar-nav ml-auto">
            <li class="nav-item active"> <a class="nav-link" href="#home">Home</a>
            <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link active" href="#features-icons">Expectations</a>
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.navbar {
    display: none;


$("body, html").on("scroll", function() {
    var features_top = $("#features-icon").position().top;
    var top_of_window = $(window).scrollTop();
    if (top_of_window >= features_top) {
    } else {

I believe it has something has to do with the JS part of my code the problem why my navbar isn't displaying.

Your navbar is not displaying because you never reach the point where the top_of_window >= features_top is valid.

I've updated the fiddle in the comment. Check it now https://jsfiddle.net/8o7omnm7/33/

Your navbar will be displayed only when the <div id="features-icon">Hola</div> will have -1px from top. As long as you don't have that it will not be displayed

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