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Bind button content to a variable

I have the following in XAML:

<Button Content="{Binding KB.Text}" />

KB is an instance of the following class:

public class ButtonText
        public string Text
                return "Button";

I have KB defined as global variable in the code behind of the page, the button content is showing empty when running the project, how would I achieve this? The button content should be retrieved by KB.Text

  • Make sure that your "KB" object is initialized (not null).

  • You might have missed "this.DataContext = this" in your main function

  • Make sure your KB is property

This works for me:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()
        this.DataContext = this;
        KB = new ButtonText();

    public ButtonText KB { get; }

public class ButtonText
    public string Text
            return "Button";

EDIT: I wrote the first solution having in mind WPF, took me a while to figure there's a "UWP" tag.

In UWP, if you want to bind something to the code behind of the designer itself (*xaml.cs), you should use "x:Bind" instead of "Binding".

See the link about x:Bind vs Binding

In short, your xaml should look like so:

<Button Content="{x:Bind KB.Text}"/>

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