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WPF, Binding not working even with property changed implemented

I'm running into a problem binding to a ' StatusBarItem '. I'll add that I'm using ' PropertyChanged.Fody ' to implement my models where I want changes to be raised.

Heres the 'XAML' snippet:

<StatusBar Grid.Row="2"
    <StatusBarItem Content="{Binding Path=Application.Status, Source={x:Static m:Locator.Instance}}"/>

Base Model:

public class IModel {

Application Model:

public sealed class ApplicationModel : IModel {

    static ApplicationModel() {
        Instance = new ApplicationModel() {
            Status = "Ready"
    public static ApplicationModel Instance {

    public string Status {


Locater Model:

public sealed class Locator : IModel {

    static Locator() {
        Instance = new Locator();
    public static Locator Instance {

    public ApplicationModel Application => ApplicationModel.Instance;


When I want to change ' Status ' from anywhere in code, I do so like:

Locator.Instance.Application.Status = message;

Now my problem isn't that ' Status ' wont change, it changes just fine. When the application runs, it updates the XAML once with the default value set in ApplicationModel . It's the XAML not updating to the new changes once I set a new value. I feel I've done everything right as I'm using my ' BaseModel ' in other places without problems.

修正:我删除了' PropertyChanged.Fody '包以及' FodyWeavers.xml ',然后在删除了' \\ bin '和' \\ obj '之后重新添加了它们,最后得到了一个干净的解决方案。

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