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Ionic 3 - Error when adding or building iOS app

I get the following error when building or adding ios with ionic cordova build ios or ionic cordova platform add ios . The build works fine for Android.

IOS project now has deployment target set as: 8.0
IOS project Code Sign Entitlements now set to: App/Resources/App.entitlements
Entitlements file is not in references section, adding it
{ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/cipriancirstea/Documents/ionic_app/ul_web_hooks/ios/https:/t4edc.app.goo.gl/#apple-app-site-association'
    at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:667:18)
    at Object.fs.writeFileSync (fs.js:1326:33)
    at saveContentToFile (/Users/cipriancirstea/Documents/ionic_app/plugins/cordova-universal-links-plugin/hooks/lib/ios/appleAppSiteAssociationFile.js:118:8)
    at /Users/cipriancirstea/Documents/ionic_app/plugins/cordova-universal-links-plugin/hooks/lib/ios/appleAppSiteAssociationFile.js:72:5
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at createNewAssociationFiles (/Users/cipriancirstea/Documents/ionic_app/plugins/cordova-universal-links-plugin/hooks/lib/ios/appleAppSiteAssociationFile.js:70:27)
    at Object.generate (/Users/cipriancirstea/Documents/ionic_app/plugins/cordova-universal-links-plugin/hooks/lib/ios/appleAppSiteAssociationFile.js:45:3)
    at activateUniversalLinksInIos (/Users/cipriancirstea/Documents/ionic_app/plugins/cordova-universal-links-plugin/hooks/afterPrepareHook.js:85:29)
    at /Users/cipriancirstea/Documents/ionic_app/plugins/cordova-universal-links-plugin/hooks/afterPrepareHook.js:50:11
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
  errno: -2,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: '/Users/cipriancirstea/Documents/ionic_app/ul_web_hooks/ios/https:/t4edc.app.goo.gl/#apple-app-site-association' }


    <host name="https://t4edc.app.goo.gl/" scheme="https" />
    <host name="example-902cc.firebaseapp.com" scheme="https">
        <path url="/__/auth/callback" />

Based on the output it looks like you are trying to build on a Windows operating system.

Unfortunately You need an apple or Mac Operating System with Xcode in order to do a proper build for IOS devices.

For Reference

This is error occurs because you have https:// prepended to the host name .

To get rid of the error, simply replace this:

<host name="https://t4edc.app.goo.gl/" scheme="https" />

with this:

<host name="t4edc.app.goo.gl/" scheme="https" />

The reason behind the error is that the plugin automatically creates files under ul_web_hooks/ios/ and the files are named by the corresponding host name. On MacOs (on *nix platforms in general), colon ( : ) is not allowed to be a part of the file path.

Hope that helps! Good luck!

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