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Can not restart gunicorn by supervisor

when i run "supervisorctl status hitbot" then i face this error FATAL Exited too quickly (process log may have details)
#/bin/gunicorn_start Here **BIND= ip_address:port ** gunicorn_start

/etc/supervisor/conf.d/hitbot.conf hitbot.conf

But when i type these command 错误

In log file 错误日志

But when it test gunicorn_start by "bash /bin/gunicorn_start"* then it working fine 测试

Try this command: pkill -HUP gunicorn

Gunicorn docs: http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/faq.html

"You can gracefully reload by sending HUP signal to gunicorn: $ kill -HUP masterpid "

or with the full command line:

pkill -HUP -f '/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/gunicorn -w 5 -b myapp:app'

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