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Is it possible to create union key value type from object type?

For example I have object type

type FooBar = {
  foo: number,
  bar: string

and I want to create this type

{key: "foo", value: number} | {key: "bar", value: string}

I can create

{key: keyof FooBar}


{value: FooBar[keyof FooBar]}

But I want to combine them somehow.

You can do this with a mapped type. Map each key to a {key: <keyname>, value: <keytype>} type, then build the union of all those using keyof :

type FooBar = {
  foo: number,
  bar: string

type KV<T> = {[K in keyof T]: {key: K, value: T[K]}}[keyof T];

declare const test: KV<FooBar>;
// `test` has type: {key: "foo", value: number} | {key: "bar", value: string}

Inspired by CRice 's answer , the following snippet supports nested objects as well:

type ObjectDeepValues<OBJ_T> = {
    [K in keyof OBJ_T]: OBJ_T[K] extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>
        ? ObjectDeepValues<OBJ_T[K]>
        : OBJ_T[K]
}[keyof OBJ_T];

const obj = {
    x: 5,
    b: true,
    nestedObj: {
        a: "hi",
} as const;

type t1 = ObjectDeepValues<typeof obj>; // true | 5 | "hi"

( TS Playground )

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