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idiomatic way to share styles in styled-components?

trying to port some code from jss to styled-components, jss code looks something like:

const styles = {
  myStyles: {
    color: 'green'

const {classes} = jss.createStyleSheet(styles).attach()

export default function(props) {
  return (
       <Widget1 className={classes.myStyles}/>
       <Widget2 className={classes.myStyles}/>

my question is what would be the idiomatic way to accomplish this sharing of the same styles across multiple components?

You can either share actual CSS strings or share styled-components components:

  • Share CSS strings:
import {css} from 'styled-components'
const sharedStyle = css`
  color: green

// then later

const ComponentOne = styled.div`
  /* some non-shared styles */
const ComponentTwo = styled.div`
  /* some non-shared styles */
  • Share actual styled-components :
const Shared = styled.div`
  color: green;

// ... then later

const ComponentOne = styled(Shared)`
  /* some non-shared styles */
const ComponentTwo = styled(Shared)`
  /* some non-shared styles */

Update: Based on questions in the comments, I created an example to show that passing props to styled-components's css function works the same way as passing props to the components themselves: https://codesandbox.io/s/2488xq91qj?fontsize=14 . The official recommendation from styled-components is to always wrap strings you will pass to styled-components in the css tag function. In this example, the Test component receives it background and foreground colors through passed-in props embedded in the cssString variable created by invoking the css function.

In addition to the posted answer, you can also create a function that accepts props / theme and returns the css`` .

styled-components will check the type of the value provided eg: ${shared} and if its a function it will invoke it with the relevant props / theme .

import styled, {css} from 'styled-components';

const shared = ({theme, myProp}) => css`
  color: ${theme.color};

/* ------------   */

const Component1 = styled.div`
  /* more styles ... */
const Component2 = styled.div`
  /* more styles ... */

In addition to the 2 answers above, you can also share style between tags as such:

const MyText = styled.div`
  color: orange;

const MyLink = MyText.withComponent("a")

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