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yii2 Set default configuration of ActionColumn in GridView

I want to set a default configuration for all my GridViews. I did this as following:


require __DIR__ . '/container.php';


use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\helpers\Url;

\Yii::$container->set('yii\grid\GridView', [
    'layout' => "{items}\n{summary}\n{pager}",
    'columns' => [
             'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',
             'template' => '{edit}{update}',
             'buttons' => [
                'edit' => function ($url, $model) {
                  return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>', [Url::to(['edit', 'id' => $model->id])]);


the part where I define the layout works fine.

But apparently the part with the ActionColumn doesn't work, because the whole array-index 'columns' gets overwritten by the column-names when I actually use the GridView in a list.

How can I set default settings for ActionColumn for all GridViews?

Try setting the default values for ActionColumn separately:

\Yii::$container->set('yii\grid\ActionColumn', [
    'template' => '{edit}{update}',
    'buttons' => [
        'edit' => function ($url, $model) {
            return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>', [Url::to(['edit', 'id' => $model->id])]);

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