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After Populating a Select2 Dropdown List How Can I Force the Element Title to remain Displayed

On page load, I populate a Select2 Select->Option list and I bind the change event using the technique here Jquery: bind load + change simultaneously so that I can control the change event to load other information. Now, this all works well except that, and this is the problem.

After populating the Select->Option list with the function fillProjectSelect(); the first option in the list appears as the default text which means that a change event on the item that is shown will not trigger because it is not a change. Naturally, this causes a great deal of confusion.

So the question is how can I force the Select2 option text to display the list title, which happens to be Select a Project and not the first element in the list?

Here is a code fragment:

$( "#projectSelector" ).bind ('change', function () {
    var val = $("#projectSelector").val();
     $( "#project_description" ).text( projectData[val].description );
     $( "#contract_sum" ).text( projectData[val].contract_sum );
     $( "#percentage_fee" ).text( projectData[val].percentage_fee );
     $( "#fee" ).text( projectData[val].fee );
     var project_ID = projectData[val].project_ID;

Just in case it is helpful, I have also added the fillProjectSelect() code.

        function fillProjectSelect() {
        var projectIndex = 0;
        getProjectData(function(data) {
         var combo = $(".myselect")[projectIndex];
         for (var i = 0; i <  data.projectData.length; i++) {
            projectData[i] = data.projectData[i];
            var option = document.createElement("option");
         //  option.setAttribute("selected",true);

Just in case anyone is interested, there is a bit of a hack that appears to work. What you do is set the first element's value to -1 and the option text to "Pick a Project" and then then remove it during the click event with

$(".myselect option[value='-1']").each(function() {

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