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Embark build gives error “Couldn't connect to an Ethereum node are you sure it's on?”

I'm running embark on embark_demo project. embark blockchain / geth works fine & it says "account funded" but when I run embark build / embark run it cannot seem to find the ethereum node.

Further it points some error at: Error: error connecting to blockchain node at Error (native) at checkWeb3IsConnected (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/embark/lib/contracts/deploy_manager.js:44:27)




Not sure if embark build starts a node, you mite want to try one window:

embark simulator

To start/stop the node, and in another window:

embark run

Oh get creative and run them together in same window using the & symbol, and piping | to grep to only show lines with a :

embark simulator | grep : & ; embark run

But then you gotta do

killall node

to stop the node cos it's in background.

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