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Cannot import custom npm package by package name

I'm loosely following this tutorial to create my own angular npm package called customlib so I can manage dependencies across my projects without making them public on npm.

in my app.module.ts I get a module not found: Can't resolve 'customlib' error when I do the following:

import { customModule } from 'customlib';

it works fine if I do this though:

import { customModule } from '../../node_modules/customModule/dist-lib/index';

Is there something I'm missing? it's worth noting that I move all files I want to include in my package to the dist-lib directory.

My library's package.json looks like this:

    "name" : "customlib",
    "version" : "0.1.0",
    "private" : true,
    "dependencies" : [
    "files" : [ "dist-lib/" ],
    "repository" : {
       "type" : "git",
       "url : "path/to/repo"
    "types": "dist-lib/index.d.ts"

I'm adding the dependency in the consumer project's package.json as so:

"customlib" : "path/to/repo"

And I've also added the following to the consumer project's tsconfig.json :

"include": [

Try on consumer package.json dependencies:

"customlib" : "file:path/to/repo"

And not forget "npm install".

I found a resource that was published by angular team that describes about creating a angular package . And in here you can fin some examples as well as some packaging libraries.

Please go through this document. Hope this helps.

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