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Mcrypt Extention required error in Bitnami MAMP stack

I am using Bitnami MAMP Stack 5.6.34. And installed it as root user so it loads at port 80. I am trying to install laravel 4.2 using composer and it shows that:

Mcrypt PHP extension required error.

and also while I try to use

php artisan 

it does not work. Mcrypt is installed as it shows Enabled while I output phpinfo() function. But it still does not show up when I try using

php -m | grep mcrypt

I have modified php.ini file as follows:

mcrypt.algorithms_dir= /Applications/mampstack/common/lib/libmcrypt
mcrypt.modes_dir= /Applications/mampstack/common/lib/libmcrypt

But it does not work and still shows: Mcrypt PHP extension required error. But when I cd into mampstack and then use

sudo ./use_mampstack

then in the terminal I don't get any error while using composer install and can also use php artisan command as it finds that Mcrypt is enabled. How can I get rid the Mcrypt error and load it with installed php

Bitnami Engineer here. I just installed Laravel in a fresh Bitnami installation in Mac OS X. These are the steps I followed

cd installdir/frameworks
curl -LO "https://github.com/laravel/laravel/archive/v4.2.11.zip"
unzip v4.2.11.zip
mv laravel-4.2.11 laravel
cd laravel
composer install
php artisan --version

Then, configure Apache using the similar config files (httpd-prefix.conf and httpd-app.conf) than the other frameworks or the ones at installdir/docs/demo . You will only need to modify the different paths in those files and include the httpd-prefix.conf file in the installdir/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami-apps-prefix.conf file. Restart Apache at the end to load this configuration.

I hope this helps

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