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Passing Programmatically props to a Component Object

Is that possible to add programmatically a prop to an existing React Component.

Example :

// GenericComp
class GenericComp extends Component {
  render = () => <Fragment>{this.props.content ? this.props.content : null}</Fragment>

export { GenericComp }

// AnotherFile
import { GenericComp }

// Is that possible to pass content without creating a new class like the // below :
class NewComp extends Component {
  render = () => <GenericComp content={myContent} />

Can I do something like this ?

const myProps = { content: 'ABCDEF' }
const enhanced = compose(GenericContent, myProps)

I'm not sure I've understanding your question properly, What do you mean by this compose(GenericContent, myProps)

Is that what are you trying to accomplish?


Main App

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import GenericComp from './GenericComp';

const myProps = { text: 'ABCDEF' }

class Main extends Component {
  render = () => <GenericComp content={myProps} />

export default Main 


import React, { Component } from 'react';

class GenericComp extends Component {
  render = () => <div> {this.props.content ? this.props.content.text : null}</div>

export default GenericComp 

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