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How to redirect the user to login to facebook and have them come back to the same place?

I have a dashboard feature that requires facebook login. If the token is expired, I catch that.

So far so good , however, I'd like the user to go off to login and come back to the same place.

This is the code:

try {
    //make FB client
    $fb = new Facebook( [
        'app_id'                => config( 'app.FACEBOOK_APPID' ),
        'app_secret'            => config( 'app.FACEBOOK_APPSECRET' ),
            'default_graph_version' => 'v2.8',
    ] );

    //Pull events realted to this user
    $events      = $fb->get( $endpoint, $accessToken )->getDecodedBody();

//catch exception if token is expired
} catch ( FacebookSDKException $e ) {
    //redirect to facebook login
    return redirect()->action('Auth\SocialiteLoginController@redirectToProvider', ['facebook']);
return $events;

My issue is , the return redirect() statement, does not redirect the user to Facebook, but, it sends back the RedirectResponse object to the calling function.

Better use socialite drive it will handle objects.

Redirect to facebook driver

 return Socialite::driver('facebook')->redirect();

need to declare facebook redirect url in .env , facebook credentials page and local route page also.

public function handleFacebookCallback(Request $request){
     $AccessToken = Socialite::driver('facebook')->getAccessTokenResponse($request->code);
        if($token = $AccessToken['access_token']){
                $facebook =Socialite::driver('facebook')->userFromToken($token);

        //insert process and get auth userkey 
        redirect('/login page');
        redirect('/dashboard');  //not auth user

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