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Return a struct directly or fill a pointer?

Let's say I have the following function to initialize a data structure:

void init_data(struct data *d) {
        d->x = 5;
        d->y = 10;

However, with the following code:

struct data init_data(void) {
        struct data d = { 5, 10 };
        return d;

Wouldn't this be optimized away due to copy elision and be just as performant as the former version?

I tried to do some tests on godbolt to see if the assembly was the same, but when using any optimization flags everything was always entirely optimized away, with nothing left but something like this: movabsq $42949672965, %rax , and I am not sure if the same would happen in real code.

The first version I provided seems to be very common in C libraries, and I do not understand why as they should be both just as fast with RVO, with the latter requiring less code.

The first version I provided seems to be very common in C libraries, and I do not understand why as they should be both just as fast with RVO, with the latter requiring less code.

The main reason for the first being so common is historic. The second way of initializing structures from literals was not standard (well, it was, but only for static initializers and never for automatic variables) and it's never allowed on assignments (well, I've not checked the status of the recent standards) Even, in ancient C, a simple assignment as:

 struct A a, b;


 a = b;  /* this was not allowed a long time ago */

was not accepted at all.

So, in order to be able to compile code in every platform, you have to write the old way, as normally, modern compilers allow you to compile legacy code, while the opposite (old compilers accepting new code) is not possible.

And this also applies to returning structures or passing them by value. Apart of being normally a huge waste of resources (it's common to see the whole structure being copied in the stack or copied back to the proper place, once the function returns) old compilers didn't accept these, so to be portable, you must avoid to use these constructs.

Finally a comment: don't use your compiler to check if both constructs generate the same code, as probably it does... but you'll get the wrong assumption that this is common, and you'll run into error. Another different implementation can (and is allowed to do) different translation and result in different code.

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