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AWS::Serverless::Api Resource Policy with Cloudformation SAM

Recently AWS announced that Amazon API Gateway Supports Resource Policies for APIs

Is it possible to attach a resource policy to a AWS::Serverless::Api created via Cloudformation with SAM?

I haven't had the chance to try this yet but I assume you can use it like you would use an S3 Bucket Policy. The trickiest part for you would be to grab the api-id to be able to use in the Resource ARN(s).

So, in your template you would have a piece that contains similar YAML (or JSON). This would allow <some user> to use the API

- Effect: Allow
    - arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:user/<some user>
    - account-id
  Action: execute-api:Invoke
  - execute-api:/*/*/*

Note that the execute-api:/*/*/* gets converted automatically during deployment to something that looks like arn:aws:execute-api:<region>:<account-id>:<api-id>/*/*/*

This approach should work just like bucket policies and this is how you apply a policy to a Bucket.

Good luck!

Quick note about getting <api-id> - you can use simplified format, like "execute-api:/<stage>/GET/pets"

Source: AWS::Serverless::Api Resource Policy with Cloudformation SAM

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