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powershell variable in get-ASUser

I am collecting birthday and other informations from Activedirectory using this

Get-ADUser -Filter  {(extensionAttribute4 -like "Aktiv") -and (Enabled -eq $true)} -SearchBase "OU=*****,OU=*****,OU=*****,DC=*****,DC=****" -Properties * | select name, mail, extensionAttribute1 

extensionAttribute1 is the birthday and are type duble. It is possible to convert the double to a date with this:


but how do I use it in this code:

Get-ADUser -Filter  {(extensionAttribute4 -like "Aktiv") -and (Enabled -eq $true)} -SearchBase "OU=*****,OU=*****,OU=*****,DC=*****,DC=****" -Properties * | select name, mail, extensionAttribute1 


Get-ADUser -Filter  {(extensionAttribute4 -like "Aktiv") -and (Enabled -eq $true)} -SearchBase "OU=*****,OU=*****,OU=*****,DC=*****,DC=****" -Properties * | select name, mail, @{ Name = 'Birthday'; Expression = {$date.AddDays(+27137).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")}}

Given your extra information, and @VivekKumarSingh's answer, the following should show the correct information:

Get-ADUser -Filter  {(extensionAttribute4 -like "Aktiv") -and (Enabled -eq $true)} `
           -SearchBase "OU=*****,OU=*****,OU=*****,DC=*****,DC=****" `
           -Properties * | 
    Select-Object Name, Mail, @{ Name = 'Birthday'; Expression = {$date.AddDays($_.extensionAttribute1).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")}}

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