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Xamarin.Forms: how to disable arrow to hamburger transition animation on Android?

I've created a basic sample app with Xamarin.Forms , where I tried to repoduce a UI like Twitter or Instagram with:

  • a MasterDetail page as main page, where the default "hamburger" icon is replaced by a custom icon
  • a "bottom" TabbedPage as detail of the MasterDetail page
  • a control allowing to implement top Tabs in the TabbedPage
  • ContentPages that are hosted in NavigationPage for each tab of the TabbedPage

So, the the pages architecture of my app looks like this:

|-- MasterDetailPage
....|-- NavigationPage
......|-- ContentPage

For achieving this, I've used:

  • the Naxam BottomTabedPage , to implement "bottom" TabbedPage on Android (like BottomNavigationView)
  • the Syncfusion SfTabView control to implement the "top" Tabs
  • a custom renderer to manage the use of custom icon as "hamburger" icon on the main level, and the "arrow" icon on the childs levels

This renderer looks like this:

public class CustomNavigationPageRenderer : MasterDetailPageRenderer
    protected override void OnLayout(bool changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)
        base.OnLayout(changed, l, t, r, b);
        var toolbar = FindViewById<Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);

        for (var i = 0; i < toolbar.ChildCount; i++)
            var imageButton = toolbar.GetChildAt(i) as ImageButton;
            var drawerArrow = imageButton?.Drawable as DrawerArrowDrawable;
            if (drawerArrow == null)

            bool displayBack = false;
            var app = Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current;
            //var navPage = ((app.MainPage.Navigation.ModalStack[0] as MasterDetailPage).Detail as NavigationPage);
            var detailPage = (app.MainPage as MasterDetailPage).Detail;
            if (detailPage.GetType() == typeof(BottomTp.Views.NaxamMainPage))
                var tabPage = detailPage as BottomTabbedPage;
                var curPage = tabPage.CurrentPage;
                var navPageLevel = curPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count;
                if (navPageLevel > 1)
                    displayBack = true;

            if (!displayBack)
                ChangeIcon(imageButton, Resource.Drawable.icon);

    private void ChangeIcon(ImageButton imageButton, int id)
        if (Android.OS.Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.Lollipop)

This works well, but there is a last problem when I "return" to the main page:

  • there is the default transition animation from arrow to "hamburger" icon
  • after this, the "hamburger" icon is replaced by my custom icon

Here is a short animation to illustrate this issue:


Is there a way to deactivate this animation? How could I fix this?

You need use a custom NavigationPage . Here is my demo based on yours.

There are three steps to achieve it:

1) Add a folder named CustomControl , create a class MyNavigationPage Inherited from NavigationPage :

namespace BottomTp.CustomControl
    public class MyNavigationPage : NavigationPage
        public MyNavigationPage() { }
        public MyNavigationPage(Page root) : base(root) { }

2) change the tag in your NaxamMainPage.xaml file,

Add xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:BottomTp.CustomControl;assembly=BottomTp" in your naxam:BottomTabbedPage tag, and then change your NavigationPage tag to controls:MyNavigationPage :

<controls:MyNavigationPage Title="Browse" Icon="md-view-list"
        <views:SfItemsPage   />
<controls:MyNavigationPage Title="About" Icon="md-help"
        <views:AboutPage />

3) create custom render MyCustomNavigationPageRenderer on Android platform:

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MyNavigationPage), typeof(MyCustomNavigationPageRenderer))]
namespace BottomTp.Droid.Renderers
    class MyCustomNavigationPageRenderer : NavigationPageRenderer
        public MyCustomNavigationPageRenderer(Context c) : base(c)
        { }

        protected override Task<bool> OnPopToRootAsync(Page page, bool animated)
            return base.OnPopToRootAsync(page, false);

        protected override Task<bool> OnPopViewAsync(Page page, bool animated)
            return base.OnPopViewAsync(page, false);

        protected override Task<bool> OnPushAsync(Page view, bool animated)
            return base.OnPushAsync(view, false);


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