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Angular unit test SwitchMap not working

I have the following method in a service:

login(username: string, password: string): Observable<any> {

  console.log('BEFORE switchMap');

  return this.webApiService.authenticate(username, password).pipe(switchMap((x) => {

    console.log('AFTER switchMap');

    return this.webApiService.getMe().pipe(switchMap((me) => {

      // ... Code removed for brevity ...

      this.isAuthenticatedField = true;

      return of(me);

NOTE: webApiService is just a angular service that wraps our web service API.

This is being tested with the following test (mocking the web service):

  it('should should set isAuthenticated on successful login', inject([AuthenticationService], (service: AuthenticationService) => {
    service.login('testusername', 'secretpassword');

When I run this in the browser everything is working fine. However when I run this in my test, I get the 'BEFORE switchMap' line printed to the console but I never get the 'AFTER switchMap'.

As Harry Ninh kindly pointed out, I needed to subscribe to the observable like so:

  it('should should set isAuthenticated on successful login', inject([AuthenticationService], (service: AuthenticationService) => {
    service.login('testusername', 'secretpassword').then(() => {

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