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Xcode 9.3 Autocomplete for NSManagedObject Subclass not working?

I created a new .xcdatamodeld file ( New File > Core Data > Data Model ). I created an entity let's call it SomeEntityName and I added its attributes. From there I'm creating an NSManagedObject in Editor > Create NSManagedObject Subclass... . The creation works and I see the SomeEntityName+CoreDataClass.swift and SomeEntityName+CoreDataProperties.swift files but, the autocomplete is not working?

I have restarted Xcode, cleaned, rebuilt the project and still no luck.

I tried to change the Codegen to Manual/None from Class Definition in the right panel core data inspector but that gives me an error of an undeclared type "EntityName"

Is there something I am missing?

Edit : In my other Class files, I am able to autocomplete subclass definitions like Codable or import Foundation , etc.

After a couple hours managed to figure out the issue, hopefully no one else runs into this as well:

By default when selecting your .xcdatamodeld file in the project navigator and creating an NSManagedObject via Editor > Create NSManagedObject Subclass... the location had no targets selected. You need to select your project and make sure the target is checked.


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