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Testing multiple columns for zero values at once?

(I am not a programmer and have no idea what I'm doing. This is my first VBA project)

So, I'm trying to hide columns with a zero value. So far, thanks to excelribbon.tips.net, I've managed to get this to work with the following (abbreviated) code

 Sub HideColumn1() 

   If Range(“H5”).Value = 0 Then 

     Columns(“H”).EntireColumn.Hidden = True  


     Columns(“H”).EntireColumn.Hidden = False 

   End If

   ‘Repeat for everything between H and AG

   If Range(“AG5”).Value = 0 Then 

     Columns(“AG”).EntireColumn.Hidden = True 


     Columns(“AG”).EntireColumn.Hidden = False 

   End If 

 End Sub 

There has to be a way to do this that doesn't include 180 lines of repetitive code? Plus when it runs it takes like ten seconds to bump through all the columns individually, and the charts go through some seizure-inducing flashing, and I'd just really rather it did it all at once. I tried changing it to

If Range(“H5:AG5”).Value = 0 Then 

  Columns(“H:AG”).EntireColumn.Hidden = True 


  Columns(“H:AG”).EntireColumn.Hidden = False 

End If 

but that didn't work. I also tried changing it to Range(“H5”,.....”AG5”) and Columns(“H5”,....”AG5”) for the sake of being thorough, even though I really didn't expect it to work.

Can anyone help me please?

Thanks so much everyone!!!

Great first attempt Sylphie! You can use a loop to go through each column and check row 5 of that column. Also, to get rid of the flashing you can turn off ScreenUpdating , then turn it back on after the code is finished:

Sub HideColumn1()

Dim i As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

For i = 8 To 33 'H through AG
    If Cells(5, i).Value = 0 Then
        Columns(i).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
        Columns(i).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
    End If
Next i

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

This unhides all the columns, Loops and hides all the correct columns at once. Should be quick and clean.

Sub HideColumn1()
ActiveSheet.Columns("H:AG").Hidden = False
For j = 8 To 33
    If ActiveSheet.Cells(5, j).Value = 0 Then
        Dim rng As Range
        If rng Is Nothing Then
            Set rng = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, j)
            Set rng = Union(ActiveSheet.Cells(5, j), rng)
        End If
    End If
Next j

rng.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End Sub

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