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aspx content page no recognizing server reference and tags

In VS 2017, my content page has recently stopped recognizing server references and some basic asp control tags.

    <script src='<%= ResolveClientUrl("~/layout/ariaGridCombobox.js") %>' type="text/javascript"></script>


The ResolveClientUrl is indicating an error message "The name 'ResolveClientUrl' does not exist in the current context' I have six script lines in a row that do the same thing. Oddly, the error goes away when removing the sixth entry. This was working just fine a few days ago with all six references.

With the above error, the closing tag for the asp:Label displays an error message of "'Label' is a type, which is not valid in the given context" When hovering over the tag, the tool tip shows a reference to the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label.

---For testing purposes, I removed the sixth script reference which then displays an underline on the asp:Label line for the portion of the line that reads

erver" Text="Supplier Name" CssClass="itemlabel"

and shows multiple error messages:

  • "; expected" -> the tooltip indicates this based on the System.String
  • The variable 'Name' is declared but never used
  • "; expected" -> a second message from the double-quote after Name to the end of the line

I am at a loss for what is causing this behavior. Any input is greatly appreciated.


Further down the main page was:

<div id="divAttachments" runat="server">
    <!--#include file="~/pages/AttachmentFilesGrid.aspx"-->

Code in the attachment file grid was:

<%--<asp:updatepanel runat="server" id="updAttachments" updatemode="Conditional">--%>

The issue on the main page resulted from the ContentTemplate not being commented out.

This was a web development lesson for me that the issue may not always be adjacent to where the error message is displayed.

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