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How does control flow from app.start() in MeanJS framework

I am trying to play around with the MEAN framework. I used their scaffolding available here . But I am getting confused on how the control flow happens from the time we start the server.js [ node server.js ] file.

Adding snippets of some files, the entire code is here


var app = require('./config/lib/app');
var server = app.start();


module.exports.start = function start(callback) {
  var _this = this;

  _this.init(function (app, db, config) {

    // Start the app by listening on <port> at <host>
    app.listen(config.port, config.host, function () {
      // Create server URL
      var server = (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'secure' ? 'https://' : 'http://') + config.host + ':' + config.port;
      // Logging initialization
      if (callback) callback(app, db, config);

For eg, where do the parameters come from in _this.init(function (app, db, config){ segment when im only calling app.start(); -

function (app, db, config){...}_this.init(function (app, db, config){...}只是函数声明 ,执行算不了什么 ,执行都是在这里完成(线26) if (callback) callback(app, db, config);其中传递的config参数是此处声明的全局变量var config = require('../config') (第6行), app参数在此处声明var app = express.init(db); (第25行),而db参数是mongooseService.connect调用(第20行)的结果(数据库实例)。

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