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Electron,Spectron: how to write test cases in seperate javascript file

I am testing electron application use these technologies, Spectron, Chai, chai as promised I want to write my test cases in separate file, except all in one file.

Here's what I've tried,

describe("Login", function () {

    //Case 1: wait for Electron window to open
    it('open window', function () {
        return app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded().getWindowCount().should.eventually.equal(1);

    //Case 2: Initial Login - Empty username & Password
    it("Click on Login Without any Data", function () {
        //Wait for window to load
        return app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded()
            .setValue(usernametxt, "")
            .setValue(passwordtxt, "")
            .should.eventually.equal("Please fill both username and password");


Simply I want to write Case 1 and Case 2 into Seperate file, from Test initializing File.

Just create two spec files with your tests separated:


Create a .js file with the following contents (test.js):


And in the package.json, refer to test.js in the mocha test command:

"scripts": {
"test": "mocha test/test.js"

considering you have a test folder.

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