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Possible to open modal from outside the vue component

Is it possible to call a method from outside the component to make the component reuseable?

Right now I add my button to open the modal in a template slot:


    <template slot="button">
        <button class="btn">Open modal</button>
    Some modal text


        <div @click="showModal"><slot name="button"></slot></div>
        <div v-if="showingModal"><slot></slot></div>

    export default {

        data () {
            return {
                showingModal: false,

        methods: {
            showModal() {
                this.showingModal = true;

I feel like there is an better option but I can't figure it out.

Yes,you can call a method from outside the component!

Parent component

   <modal ref="modal"></modal>
   <button @click="openModal">Open Modal</button>

  import modal from './child.vue'
  export default {
    components: { modal }
    methods: {
     openModal() { this.$refs.modal.show() }//executing the show method of child

Child component

  <div v-if="showModal">
    <div id="modal">
      <p>Hello i am a modal
      <button @click="hide">Close</button>

 export default {
   data() {
     return {
      showModal: false
   methods: {
     show() {
      this.showModal = true
      this.showModal = false

See it in action here

Put you modal component instance into Vue.prototype , then invoke show/hide at anywhere you can access Vue instance context.

Below is one demo:

 let vm = null // the instance for your Vue modal let timeout = null //async/delay popup const SModal = { isActive: false, show ({ delay = 500, message = '', customClass = 'my-modal-class' } = {}) { if (this.isActive) { vm && vm.$forceUpdate() return } timeout = setTimeout(() => { timeout = null const node = document.createElement('div') document.body.appendChild(node) let staticClass = '' vm = new this.__Vue({ name: 's-modal', el: node, render (h) { // uses render() which is a closer-to-the-compiler alternative to templates return h('div', { staticClass, 'class': customClass, domProps: { innerHTML: message } }) } }) }, delay) this.isActive = true }, hide () { if (!this.isActive) { return } if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = null } else { vm.$destroy() document.body.removeChild(vm.$el) vm = null } this.isActive = false }, __Vue: null, __installed: false, install ({ $my, Vue }) { if (this.__installed) { return } this.__installed = true $my.SModal = SModal // added your SModal object to $my this.__Vue = Vue //get the Vue constructor } } let installFunc = function (_Vue, opts = {}) { if (this.__installed) { return } this.__installed = true const $my = { 'memo': 'I am a plugin management.' } if (opts.plugins) { Object.keys(opts.plugins).forEach(key => { const p = opts.plugins[key] if (typeof p.install === 'function') { p.install({ $my, Vue: _Vue }) } }) } _Vue.prototype.$my = $my } Vue.use(installFunc, { plugins: [SModal] }) app = new Vue({ el: "#app", data: { 'test 1': 'Cat in Boots' }, methods: { openModal: function () { this.$my.SModal.show({'message':'test', 'delay':1000}) }, closeModal: function () { this.$my.SModal.hide() } } })
 .my-modal-class { position:absolute; top:50px; left:20px; width:100px; height:100px; background-color:red; z-index:9999; }
 <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.5.16/dist/vue.js"></script> <div id="app"> <button @click="openModal()">Open Modal!!!</button> <button @click="closeModal()">Close Modal!!!</button> </div>

Rough Steps for vue-cli project:

In ./plugins/SModal.js (follow the tutorial in official document to create one vue instance then add it into the document.body ):

let vm = null // the instance for your Vue modal
let timeout = null //async/delay popup

const SModal = {
  isActive: false,

  show ({
    delay = 500,
    message = '',
    customClass = ''
  } = {}) {
    if (this.isActive) {
      vm && vm.$forceUpdate()

    timeout = setTimeout(() => {
      timeout = null

      const node = document.createElement('div')

      vm = new this.__Vue({
        name: 's-modal',
        el: node,
        render (h) { // uses render() which is a closer-to-the-compiler alternative to templates
          return h('div', {
            'class': props.customClass
    }, delay)

    this.isActive = true
  hide () {
    if (!this.isActive) {

    if (timeout) {
      timeout = null
    } else {
      vm = null

    this.isActive = false

  __Vue: null,
  __installed: false,
  install ({ $my, Vue }) {
    if (this.__installed) { return }
    this.__installed = true
    $my.SModal = SModal // added your SModal object to $my
    this.__Vue = Vue //get the Vue constructor

export default SModal

As the official document said , A Vue.js plugin should expose an install method. The method will be called with the Vue constructor as the first argument, along with possible options

In install.js (also you can move this method into main.js based on your design):

// loop all plugins under the folder ./plugins/, then install it.
export default function (_Vue, opts = {}) {
  if (this.__installed) {
  this.__installed = true
  const $my = {
    'memo': 'I am a plugin management.'
  if (opts.plugins) {
    Object.keys(opts.plugins).forEach(key => {
      const p = opts.plugins[key]
      if (typeof p.install === 'function') {
        p.install({ $my, Vue: _Vue })

  _Vue.prototype.$my = $my

In main.js (finally uses your plugins):

import install from './install'
import * as plugins from './plugins'

Vue.use({ install }, {

Finally in your view/component, you can show/hide your modal like this:


Sure, accept a property to the modal component:

 props: ['open']

Then pass it in:

<modal :open="boolToOpenModal"> ... </modal>


<div v-if="showingModal || open"><slot></slot></div>

There is no (easy, supported) way to call a method in a component, but you can either modify a property in the child (eg. show ) (see Passing Data to Child Components with Props ) or use events (see Custom Events , $emit and $refs ). Using events you could also use an event bus . The event based solution is of course better suited to more complex interactions.

I simply add v-on="$listeners" to the component in the children (modal.vue):

// modal.vue
   <div :show="show" v-on="$listeners">


export default {
    props: {
        show: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: false

Now you can open or close the modal from its parent easily:

<modal @close="showModal = false" :show="showModal" />

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