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Change color of an image using ngStyle

I am sorry if this question sounds very naive but i am new to Angular 5. I need to change the color of an image based on the color code i am getting from my JSON response. I searched but i only found how to change background color. I couldn't find any examples.

Below is my json response snippet:


Below is the code i am trying

<img src="./assets/img/tab/{{data.shape}}.png" style="-webkit-filter: opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 {{data.color}}) class="pill-img">"

In style attribute I think you are missing ; between opacity and drop-shadow:

style="-webkit-filter: opacity(.5); drop-shadow(0 0 0 {{data.color}})"

Use ngStyle with concatenation:

<img ... [ngStyle]="{'-webkit-filter': 'opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 '+data.color}">


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