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Unable to read Storage account and key - Azure

I'm trying to upload image to Blob. Hence in the Web.Config I have settings like this:

                <add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false" />
                <add key="StorageAccountName" value="storageaccount1"/> 
                <add key="StorageAccountKey" value="storageaccountkey1"/>

Here is how it looks like in the portal:


My Dot Net code is as below:

        public class ConnectionString
                static string account = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageAccountName");
                static string key = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageAccountKey");
                public static CloudStorageAccount GetConnectionString()
                    string connectionString = string.Format("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={0};AccountKey={1}", account, key);
                    return CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString);

However, my "account" and "key" variable are returning NULL.

Could any one please suggest, what I'm doing wrong? Is there anything that I'm missing?

Note: I'm able to upload image via "Azure Storage Explorer".

CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageAccountName"); should work If you config it in the Web.config file. I test it with Asp.net MVC file. It works correctly on my side.


Test Result:



Which will read values from all the configuration files ie, app.config, web.config and ServiceConfiguration.cscfg.

Note: If we config the appsetting in the Web.Debug.config not web.config file,it will get null value.

To read web.config file, please use ConfigurationManager.AppSettings . CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting() is used to read .cscfg file actually.

Issue is resolved. I was using web.config that is under view (which is wrong). No .Net code changed. By using correct web.config solved the problem.

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