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Mapbox: Update custom layer paint property

Working on a mapbox project. I have created a custom layer, and am looking to update a paint property of that layer. Methods I've tried don't work. Here are the details:

The layer I create:

        id: 'points-circle',
        source: 'points',
        type: 'circle',
        paint: {
          'circle-radius': pointSize*.6,
          'circle-color': {type: 'identity', property: 'color'},

Later, I try to update the circle-radius property, like so:

map.setPaintProperty('points-circle','circle-radius', pointSize*.6)

This fails with the error: Error: The layer 'points-circle' does not exist in the map's style and cannot be styled. How do I update my circle-radius of my custom added layer?

You may need to wait for the map idle event to fire to know that the layer is ready to be styled. See https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/map/#map.event:idle .

Would be nice if map.addLayer returned a promise that resolved when the layer was able to be styled...

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