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How to use custom authentication/authorization in an ASP.NET Core MVC app that communicates with a Web API?

I want to use the authentication/authorization in an MVC/Razor Page app which uses a back-end API to transact data and authentication tokens. The API issues access and refresh JWT for valid sign in and what I have done so far is to call the API and fetch these tokens using HttpClient and afterwards, store them in cookies.

However, I have to manually check for the tokens and refresh the access token when it expires and also delete the cookies when user signs out. I would like to know if there is a way to use this in more proper method by utilizing the authentication and authorization features of ASP.NET Core (such as using [Authorize] to limit certain controllers' to specific users.

Checkout Identity Server , which is both and Authentication (using OpenIdConnect) and an Authorization server (using OAuth).

Then in your WebApp (MVC/Razor and client of the API) simply use its integration. An example of how to setup an ASP.NET MVC as a client of an IdentityServer instance can be found in Identity Server's official documentation .

For the refresh token, you need to configure your MVC app to request the offline_access scope.

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