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How to change computed object in Vue?

I have simple select of months:

<select v-model="month" v-on:change="dateChanged('month', month)">
    <option v-for="(month, index) in months" :value="index">{{ month }}</option>

The main date object stored in Vuex:

computed: {
    month() {
        return this.date.format('M') - 1

The problem is that when I change months the month value doesn't change... Visually month in select changed but the value is still the same as it was before.

That's because a computed property, as the name suggests, can only be overwritten internally and it's not a data store that you can write to. If you want to populate your month from the VueX store and retain writability, it is best written as a combination of:

  • a watcher that watches date , and updates the internal month data whenever the store is updated
  • a internal data that simply allows writing and reading of month

An example is as follow:

// Populate internal store with state data
data: function() {
    return {
        month: this.date.format('M') - 1

// Map getter
computed: {

// Watch changes to mapped getter
watch: {
    date: function(val) {
        this.month = this.date.format('M') - 1

Of course, following the DRY principle, you might want to abstract the logic into a separate method:

methods: {
    getMonth: function(month) {
        return month.format('M') - 1;
data: function() {
    return {
        month: this.getMonth(this.date)
computed: {
watch: {
    date: function(val) {
        this.month = this.getMonth(val)

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