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How can I find all unsed using statements with ReSharper?

I want to find all unused using statements in my Xamarin C# project using Visual Studio and ReSharper.

How can I do this?

You can see the unused using statements as warnings in ReSharper Errors/Warnings in Solution window.

You can open it by,

  • Navigating to ReSharper | Windows | Solution Errors ReSharper | Windows | Solution Errors ReSharper | Windows | Solution Errors or,
  • By double clicking on the Errors/Warnings link at the bottom right corner of Visual Studio Visual Studio右下角的错误/警告链接

    In the appearing window, click on ⚠️ icon to show warnings. If there are unused using statements there will be warnings listed. Expand the warnings to find using statement related warnings.


    Double clicking on the warning will take you to the relevant file. The unused using statement can be found in gray colour.

Note: Enable Solution Wide Analysis and Reanalyze All to make sure you want miss anything.

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