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Preact-Router - Handle routes from sub directory

I'm currently creating a SPA that can be included and run from any route.

Currently any <Link /> component I create redirects the client back to the root of the domain it's on plus the intended path.

In react-router there's a property to set a starting base path; basename .

This doesn't seem to be present in preact-router and I'd really rather not switch to react-router as it's significantly larger and I won't be using many of the additional features.

A simple example of the routes:


I've seen a couple of post around the internet implying this is possible but with such little documentation it's a little tricky to piece together.

Any help is much appreciated.


I've ended up wrapping the preact-router Link and Router with my own components. From there I can prefix the path property value with my apps base route, eg:


Then somewhere within <MyRoute /> :

const route = 'my/app/base/path';

let result = (route || '') + this.props.path;

result = result.replace(/([^:]\/)\/+/g, '$1');

Then render the preact-router default component with the result value, <Route path={result} />

如果您正在寻找散列路由,请访问: https : //github.com/developit/preact-router#custom-history

jhdevuk's Answer pointed me to the right direction.

The following Router class will do the trick (this is in TypeScript):

    class SubfolderRouter extends preactRouter.Router {

        render(props: preactRouter.RouterProps, state: any) {
            if (state.url.indexOf(MY_FOLDER) == 0) {
                state = {
                    url: state.url.substr(MY_FOLDER.length),
            return super.render(props, state);

If your app lives in the folder const MY_FOLDER = "/myfolder" , then this Router will ignore the folder of the URL. If the user navigates to


then the Router will look up the URL /home/index , because this is the actual route.

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