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Automate NewRelic dSYM upload outside Xcode?

My iOS project uses New Relic for tracking. NewRelic requires uploading a dSYM file.


I'd like to automate the process through Fastlane, but the provided script complains with:

./NewRelicAgent.framework/Versions/A/Resources/newrelic_postbuild.sh must be run from an XCode build

How can I execute this from within my standard deploy script? I don't want to add this as an XCode post-compile run script or upload manually through the web site.

After some research, I learned that the provided newrelic_postbuild.sh script simply zips up the dSYM folder and uploads it with a curl script.

Fastlane should already do the first part with the gym action. Just specify the output directory in your normal Fastfile build lane.

gym({output_directory: "./build")

When execute, the action above dumps out the symbol file to: ./build/HelloWorld.app.dSYM.zip

To upload that, add it to a variable and execute the following:

DYSM_ZIP_FILE = "./build/HelloWorld.app.dSYM.zip"

Dir.chdir("..") do
    sh "curl -F dsym=@\"#{DYSM_ZIP_FILE}\" -H \"x-app-license-key: #{NEWRELIC_KEY}\" \"#{NEWRELIC_URL}\""

That'll do it. If you want to just do it from within a bash script, that command would be:

curl -F dsym=@"${DYSM_ZIP_FILE}" -H "x-app-license-key: ${NEWRELIC_KEY}" "${NEWRELIC_URL}"

The benefit of this approach is that we don't have to clutter our Xcode build settings with extra scripts, and we can avoid executing unnecessary and redundant scripting code.

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