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Angular 6: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError triggered from select drop-down event

What code changes can remedy the Error described below ?


A drop-down input UI is protected from unintended selected value change via a modal. However, the event (click, focus or other), wired to the drop-down causes the ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError, observed in Chrome console in dev mode.

Observed result

When drop-down is clicked, an ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError is thrown (see console)

Expected result

When drop-down is clicked, a Modal opens without error


A link to demo in stackblitz


  • As described in "Everything you need to know about ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError" here , I attempt to trigger change detection (see comments inside app.component.ts:48-49, marked as STEP-1 and STEP-2), but unsuccessfully (probably triggered not in the right place?)
  • The modal in the demo is not fully implemented for [OK] and [CANCEL] as it doesn't affect the Error
  • The code is simplified version of a larger app

What code changes can remedy the Error described below ?

The code like this should help you:

  get hold of NgModel instance
  (click)="ngModel.control.markAsTouched(); confirmChangeItem(building.venueId)">
           and prepare FormControl to the changes

Forked Stackblitz


I forgot to say that you can remove cdRef.detectChanges and microtask in this case so i'm glad to know you guessed it yourself

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