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MDX calculated Member not allowed multiple hierarchy tuple

I've using a sql Table to generate filters on each dimensions for a value in a SSAS Cube.


The MDX Query is based on the column Query below, the calculated member is:

      IIF(Query= "" or ISEMPTY(Query),
           StrToTuple('('+ Query+')')

I have to work with pivot Table in Excel. It works perfectly, the value is correctly filter on each dimension member. If i use a query like this, it's ok.


But now i need adding the possibility to filter on multiple dimensions members. For exemple, using a query :


It doesn't works, i've try changing the query like this:


but the StrToTuple() function causes error. I don't know how to filter in multiple values for a same dimension hierarchy.

If it will always be a tuple then no need to use AGGREGATE just a tuple should return the value:

    Query= "" OR ISEMPTY(Query),
   ,StrToTuple('('+ Query +',[Measures].[Value])')

Or this version:

      + IIF(
          Query= "" OR ISEMPTY(Query)

possible approach for decision between tuple and set

Add a column to your control table "TupleOrSet" with values of either "T" or "S". Then you could amend your code to something like this:

    Query= "" OR ISEMPTY(Query),
       TupleOrSet = "T"
      ,StrToTuple('('+ Query +',[Measures].[Value])')
      ,AGGREGATE( StrToSet('{'+ Query +'}'), [Measures].[Value])


A tuple is a definite point in the cube space so cannot therefore be made up of two members from the same hierarchy - this would create coordinates that are non-determinant

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