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Install Flycheck on spacemacs

Following this guide to configure Spacemacs as a C++ IDE, I am facing an issue when installing Flycheck .

I have followed the instructions explained here but after adding the syntax-checking instruction under dotspacemacs-configuration-layers , I have the following error when lauching spacemacs :

Error (use-package): flycheck/:init: Symbol’s function definition is void: global-flycheck-mode

I am totally new to spacemacs and emacs in general so I might have missed something obvious.

Emacs version : 27.0.50

Spacemacs version : 0.200.13

Thanks for your help,

I add additions package in this function

dotspacemacs-additional-packages '(org-trello ereader plantuml-mode elmine org-alert org-super-agenda easy-hugo ponylang-mode flycheck-pony flycheck-plantuml)

and in the (custom-set-variables add the packege to '(package-selected-packages

After restart spacemacs, all works for me, hope it will be helpful to you too.

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